Category Archives: The Big Year

Movie Review: The Big Year-2011

Synopsis: Two bird enthusiasts try to defeat the cocky, cutthroat world record holder in a year-long bird-spotting competition.

This movie is starring Jack Black, Steve Martin and Owen Wilson.  First off let me start off by saying I love Jack Black and his movies.  I cannot wait for the new Tenacious D album to come out later this year.  This movie is not a non stop hilarious movie that makes you fall off your seat like Modern Family but it has its moments.  The storyline is very well done and it doesn’t get boring at all.  I enjoyed the plethora of birds they showed throughout the entire movie.  If you are a fan of birds then definitely check this movie out.

Overall I enjoyed this movie and it even has a little romance in it.  I give this movie a 3.5 out of 5. It was not non stop funny and just didn’t have enough to give it a higher rating but don’t get me wrong it was definitely enjoyable and a great movie for the family to watch!

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