Category Archives: News Rant

Soundgarden Debut’s New Single off Upcoming November Album

Soundgarden shares their new audio on youtube for their upcoming single called Been Away Too Long.  There new album King Animal will be in stores on November 13th.  It sounds just like where they left off.  Many doubters would think that Soundgarden has lost it but nope. They haven’t missed a beat!  Check it out and let me know what you think.  Thank you Soundgarden for reuniting!

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Ellie Goulding Debut’s New Video For ‘Anything Could Happen’

I fell in love with her first single and even after hearing it probably 200 times on the radio, I find I am still not sick of it yet.  Here is her second single and I think it is going to do pretty well.  It is very catchy right off the bat and there is some amazing views in the video.  Her new album Halycon will be coming out October 9th in the U.S. and I can’t wait.  Let me know what you think.  Also if you didn’t know she is dating Skrillex 🙂

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Housing Market Rant – Let the crash continue.

So I was surfing around Yahoo! finance the other day and I saw this ridiculous article that made me so dumb founded I could hardly believe it was true. Here is the basics of it, the Bank of f***ing America (BofA) is forgiving people who have not been paying for their house up to $150K of the principle of their loan. I mean WTF. A dirt bag who is not paying for their house and you get a magic gift of essentially having your house retroactively marked down $150k. Where is the incentive for people to pay for what they bought?? You don’t see people who did the right thing and are paying for their house without missing payments getting some of their principle forgiven. No wonder everything in this country is so f***ed up. Let’s reward the assholes and scumbags who do live up to what they agrees and hand the good hard working individuals out to dry.

Let’s see we all kinda know how we got here but do we really know? People who were irresponsible bought houses. Instead of figuring out how much they could afford, even in a time of financial hardship, they believed what other people, or banks, told them they could afford and now they are getting rewarded.

I, for one am hoping the crash continues another 30%-40% at least.

Is my house less worth than when I bought it? Yup
Have I taken pay cuts during the crash? Yup

And I still paid every bill I had on time without so much as being 1 day late!

On a tangent late is late. It doesn’t matter id you are 1 month, 1 week, 1 day, or 1 second late. The bottom line is YOU ARE LATE and I am sick of hearing people crying about it. Being in your “grace period” is late. If you don’t pay when you are supposed to you deserve everything you get, but yet we reward people for this. We make exceptions. I say screw that, there need to be way tougher consequences that are held to so no one gets the idea it OK to be late, I will be forgiven.

Anyways let the housing market continue to crash and burn. There were some articles in the pas few days saying the housing market will start increasing 4% every year. I call BS. Some think we are going the ride the level we are at now for a while and maybe that is true. The only real way the market will recover is when starter houses are affordable on a average (not minimum wage) single income. Until we get there I’m voting for a ride to the bottom so people who are responsible individuals can finally take advantage of the American dream.

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Windows 8 Preview Video

First off this guy is way too smiley and he frightens me just a little.  Anywho, my first impressions of Windows 8 are kind of mixed.  It looks very new and scary but at the same time I like how it looks visually and think everyone will have fun with it.  I love the idea of having cool apps and mainly games because I am not a big fan of the games where you need souped up video cards and playing them on a keyboard.  Using a mouse for games and touchscreen for Angry Birds or Cut the Rope, now we are talking.  They are like taking a step back and smelling the fresh air.  Going back to our Atari roots and Nintendo.  I also like how they have “charms” and can share any articles or anything within any app to facebook, twitter or email.  Oh wait Mac OS X and all the phones already do that.  Hey it isn’t original but they are doing pretty well to play catchup.  One though occured to me, is I am wondering if Windows 8 will be able to be installed on HP TouchPad that lots of people bought at a fire sale.  That would be fantastic!!  Let me know what you think of Windows 8.

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Why No One Wants To Save The Earth Part 2: Actually Saving Money

After my last rant I realized I just dogged on a few things and while it might get people to think it never actually offered any other alternatives to help keep some of your hard earned cash in your wallet. I’ve come up with a brief list of things, some of which I do and some of which I don’t do, that you could put into practice and have the potential to save you more money than an LED bulb.

Most (if not all) of the recommendations I make should cost you less than $100 to do. Some of the recommendations may only be applicable for people who own houses while others will work for both apartments and houses.

First a study on water pressure.

Being as I have town water I get charged wonderfully for using it is the form of some BS tax. Even if you don’t have town water you run a well pump which in turn uses electricity. Seeing as I don’t have a well pump in my current house I could only preform my study on town water.

The water pressure in my house was around 55 PSI when I first moved in. This did OK but if I wanted run the dishwasher and the washing machine at the same time the system was a little taxed and the clothes would not be fully rinsed out. So I heading down the the basement I made an adjustment to between 75-80 PSI. Now everything ran like a champ. No Pressure problems at all. Unfortunately this also reflected in my water bill greatly and is fact just about doubled it. After this assessment I promptly dropped the pressure back down around 55 PSI and used the timers on my washing machine and dishwasher to schedule them not to run at the same time.

More on water conservation:

Much of our excess water usage comes from faucets and shower heads. Currently in my town you pay $4.45 for ever 100 Cubic Feet (HCF or CCF) of water < 1000 Cubic feet and $5.25 for every 100 Cubic Feet over 1000. To put in presepctive 100 Cubic Feet is about 748 Gallons of water. Finding out you many GPM (Gallons Per Min) of LPM( Liters Per Min) your faucets and shower heads run you can significantly reduce you water usage and while it won’t seem like you greatly reduced your water bill your ROI (Return on investment) will be much greater because new faucet aerators cost only a couple bucks. Most faucets have the GPM writen on the aerators and in most cases can be reducts 0.5 to 1.0 GPM without much noticeable effect. Lets take an example:

Lets say the average house with 3 faucets (a $10 investment at most) runs their faucets for 10 minuets a day (a very conservative estimate for anyone with kids) and you were able to reduce only 0.5 GPM

So that’s only 5 Gallons Per Day


5 * 365 / 748 = 2.43 HCF
2.41 *$4.45 = $10.81

So Instead of saving the $15.33/Year from a $30 investment on a light bulb you can save over $10 a year and only invest $10 or a 100% ROI in the first year. Take the extra $20 invest it n a shower head and you will be even further ahead.

You can do the same analysis for a shower head

Next Time:Programmable Thermostats

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CityBoy’s NFL Divisional Playoff Picks

Saints at 49ers (Saturday, 4:30 p.m. ET on FOX)
This one I feel is going to be very close and as much as I love Drew Brees I gotta go with SF winning because they are the complete package, defense and a nasty running game.

» Broncos at Patriots (Saturday, 8 p.m. ET on CBS)
As apparently Broncos have the momentum..the Pats are getting all of their players back pretty much. I expect them to steam roll through the Broncos and Tebow will be the most hunted white Bronco since OJ Simpsons.

» Texans at Ravens (Sunday, 1 p.m. ET on CBS)
This one I feel is going to be close and I feel the Ravens will pull out the win being the home team.

» Giants at Packers (Sunday, 4:30 p.m. ET on FOX)
Last week I picked the Giants to lose..obviously I was wrong and they played a great game. Can Manning do it again?? I don’t know but I gotta go with Green Bay winning this one easy.

Go ahead let me have it all!! Argue with me haha
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Galaxy Nexus Review (LTE, Verizon)

So I have had my new Galaxy Nexus for a couple weeks now and for the most part I’m happy with it. So lets get into in.
Is it big yes. For a phone its rather large but not uncomfortable at all to hold in your hand. Now keep in mind I’m a guy and 6 feet tall but if does not feel to large to hold at all. In fact I can still run the entire screen just using my thumb without much difficulty at all. Much of this is due to the fact its thin. Now I know its not RAZR thin but it works for me. The only con to the size is when it is in my pants pocket and it turns sideways. I would say with the phone any any others just because the screen size seems big (4.65 inches in this case) hold it in you hand before you judge it.

The display:
Not the best display but far from the worst. What it has in pixel density in lack is vibrancy. Coming from a DROID Incredible the display seems just a little lacking. I’m sure with all the other goodies they put in this the felt the small cut on the display quality was worth it, and for the most part people won’t notice it unless they are coming for a device that had a top of the line display good display before hand.
Operating Environmental:
Well is runs Android 4.0 and its very responsive. I like what they have done with 4.0 all the way around (although I do miss some of my CM Mod customizations). I have not found myself waiting or hitting buttons to get it to respond. I also have found no need for any kind of task manager at this point. All applications launch right away and they recent applications tab with a screen preview is one of the excellent additions to this version of android.
Its a phone not a DSLR. People who complain about camera quality of cell phone need to remember this. It takes pictures and you can upload them to your favorite privacy invasion sight with minimal effort.
Well its a smart phone, and an LTE one at that. I find with LTE off I can get through a business day (from when I leave my house for work until I return 9-10 hours) with out much effort when LTE is OFF. when LTE is on it still makes it but I will have to throw it on the charger soon after I get home. If you are going out for the night after you need to charge it regardless of which radio is in use. In addition the WIFI seems to suck a lot of power if its having trouble keeping a connection to an access point. If you are in a low signal quality area just kill the WIFI.
The radio. It seems ALL (ALL) LTE phone suffer from some kind a radio glitch when switching between networks that causes the radio to hang in one way or another. This phone is no different. I have experienced this at least twice since owing the phone and need to reboot to fix it. Again it seems to be an issue in general with all LTE phones. (Antenna gate anyone 😛 )
The back is a little more slippery than I care for and I don’t believe in cases/covers; They just make a nice phone bulky.
Would I buy it again? Yes. It makes my old phone, and most others, feel like children’s toys. Will it be outdated next month? Probably, but so is technology.
Any Questions feel free to ask.

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New Dark Knight Rises Trailer Released

I am a huge fan of the Batman movies ever since I was a kid watching the first movies with Jack Nicholson and Michael Keaton.  I did watch a little of the old show back in the day when I saw it on growing up too.  This one looks to be a good one as well!

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Friday The 13th NES Ending–Worst Ending Ever

 I love playing Nintendo games and even on this day there are still games I can’t beat.  Some of the games were so hard to beat and now thanks to youtube I can just look up the endings.  Friday the 13th was another really difficult game that was out there that I could never finish.  Now after watching this ending, I am kind of glad I never did….worst ending ever LOL.  Honestly can you guys think of any other worse game endings??

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Whoopi Goldberg Farts On The View

I admit it, I watched this video at least 10 times now LOL.  I thought women didn’t fart but I guess I was wrong!! 

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