Category Archives: Movie Rant

Evil Dead Remake Trailer

This movie looks 10 times scarier than the original.  I loved the original and can’t wait for this one.  I hope it lives up to the trailer.  What do you all think?

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Movie Reviews: End of Watch | Looper | The Thompsons | Dredd

End Of Watch: This movie is from the creator of Training Day. It was very well done and has lots of action in it. It had some intense cop scenes and even had its funny moments.  Great job on acting by both of the main characters and it really felt like they were partners. I rate this one 4 out 5. Definitely want to watch this one folks.

Looper: This one is a movie about mobsters who send people back 30 years to people called loopers who kill the person and then dispose of the body. Great acting with a start studded cast.  It stars Bruce Willis, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Emily Blunt.  Joseph Gordon-Levitt appeared to have his fact altered.  I am not sure the reason but maybe it was to make him look more like Bruce Willis’s bone structure. This movie is original and will blow your mind. If you loved Deception then you want to check this movie out. I rate it 4.5 out of 5.

The Thompsons:  This movie is a horror movie and is the sequel to the Hamiltons.  It is about a vampire family who is on the run.  This one has some gory scenes and good action.  No big actors but they all acted very well.  I did not see the first movie but after watching this, I definitely want to check it out.  The vampires in this movie are not your typical vampires.  I won’t tell you what I mean, you will just have to watch.  I rate this one 3 out of 5.  Can skip it if you aren’t a vampire fan.  I am guessing the next movie will be called The Hendersons (totally just guessing).

Dredd:  This one is a rehash of the Sylvester Stallone movie Judge Dredd.  It is in a futuristic time where cops are called Judges and they ride on awesome motorcycles.  They have badass guns and sentence people to the cube.  I was not expecting much from this movie.  The original bombed in the theater and on video.  I can’t say I even watched it but if I did, I blacked it out from my mind.  With that said, I really enjoyed this movie.  It had non stop action and even some nice bloody parts.  If you love expendables and action type movie, definitely watch this one.  I rate it 3.5 out of 5.  I am actually hoping they are doing a sequel but not sure because I don’t think it did very well at the box office.

Movie Reviews | The Watch | Killer Joe | Hit and Run | Dead Season | Axed | Jurassic Shark

I have been watching a bunch of movies lately and haven’t had time to do full write ups and to be honest many of them don’t deserve them Lol. I will however give you my ratings and a few sentences about each.

The Watch– It has a bunch of big stars in it but the storyline was pretty bizarre. I did laugh a bunch of times and it did keep me intrigued. It could have been a little shorter and much funnier. I give this one 2.5 out of 5. Worth a rental if you like silly comedies.

Killer Joe– I thoroughly enjoyed this film. Had some great stars in it and kept my interest the whole way through. It has some intense scenes that leave you on the edge of your seat. The ending was crazy and I would have liked to have seen more. I rate this one 4 out of 5. I definitely recommend this one if you love suspense drama movies.

Hit and Run– This movie was decent. It took a little while for the story to start up and I was getting bored. Then it picked up and kept my interest. It has its funny moments and has mucho car action. I rate this one 3 out of 5.

Dead Season– horrible and pointless story. Didnt really go into too much and i wanted to turn it off several times. I rate this one 1 out of 5. Steer clear of this one folks.

Axed– This one is about a guy who gets axed from his job and goes crazy. It is a horror flick pretty much. It kept my interest and had its gory moments. I rate this one 3 out of 5 if you enjoy psychotic horror movies.

Jurassic Shark– horrible is too nice of a word. The acting was horrible. Barely any blood or nudity. I shut it off and just couldn’t bare to waste anymore time with it even for the sake of this review. I rate this one 0.1 out of 5!

Movie Review: That’s My Boy 2012

Synopsis: While in his teens, Donny fathered a son, Todd, and raised him as a single parent up until Todd’s 18th birthday. Now, after not seeing each other for years, Todd’s world comes crashing down when Donny resurfaces just before Todd’s wedding.

Lots of big actors/actresses in this one.  Obviously Adam Sandler and Andy Samberg, it also has Leighton Meester, Will Forte, and the best actor in the world, Vanilla Ice!!  Let me get this out of the way, if you don’t enjoy some dirty raunchy jokes then do not watch this movie.  Just steer away because you will not enjoy it.  I on the other hand love  Happy Madison movies and their crude humor.  Most people didn’t enjoy Jack and Jill and my dad and I loved it!  This movie has so many good one liners in it that you will be reciting with your friends the next day.  My favorite line in the movie is from Vanilla Ice near the end but I am not going to tell you it because it has a spoiler in it.

I rate this movie 4 out of 5.  I thought it was non stop funny and kept my attention the whole time.  I am sure many of our readers will totally disagree with me on my rating but that’s ok.  Everyone has their own opinion and mine just happens to be right 😉  Just kidding, like I said if you enjoy Adam Sandler and American Pie type movies then I think you will love this movie!

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Movie Review: Prometheus 2012

Synopsis: A team of explorers discover a clue to the origins of mankind on Earth, leading them on a journey to the darkest corners of the universe. There, they must fight a terrifying battle to save the future of the human race.

There is lots to be said about this movie.  It is directed by Ridley Scott and if you aren’t familiar with him then you must not be a fan of sci-fi movies.  He has done Blade Runner and the world famous Alien movies.  The scenery and CGI was well done and looked insane.  The movie just topped a little over 2 hours but never got boring for one minute.  It kept you hooked on the edge of your seat or couch trying to figure out the story and what will happen next.  The synopsis doesn’t really explain it too well.  There aren’t that many actors/actresses that were famous in this one except for small role by Guy Pearce and the beautiful Charlize Theron.  The movie has its funny parts and has its crazy sci fi scenes.  Basically a team is assembled to find the origins of mankind.  In other words, who created the humans.  The scientists find some relics that lead it to a planet and they investigate and try to find their creators.  This movie has robots in it too.  Fun for everybody!

I rate this movie 4.5 out of 5.  I thought it was greatly done all around.  The CGI looked lifelike and the scenery was spectacular.  It looked great in HD and the sound was awesome.  The storyline was very well done and it even had an awesome twist at the end that I was not expecting.  I can’t wait for the second movie and I hope he makes it a trilogy.  This is an original movie and not a rehash of an old movie or remake like Hollywood can’t seem to get away from nowadays.  If you are a sci-fi fan or even not, I recommend giving it a shot.

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Movie Review: Truth or Die (Truth or Dare, original title) 2012

Synopsis: Young British boys and girls travel to an isolated cabin after being promised a night of heavy partying. Instead of the fun they hoped for, they meet a killer out to reap vengeance on them for the death of his brother.

I don’t want to spoil it for you, but, this movie kicks off at a party and… wait for it… wait for it… they play truth or dare! I would of never guessed that would happen in a million years, haha. The game goes a bit too far and results in the loss of a life. Now this is where the fun begins! The victims brother lures them out to the cabin for a birthday party, and well, lets just say, they have a killer time! Its a British film but its no Monty Python. There is some twists to this film, one particular, that I won’t discuss, I found to be disturbing to say the least, you’ll have to watch it yourself to see what it is. The “bad guy” of the film is convincingly good, as well as the rest of the actors in portraying their roles. For the most part the movie flows right along, but at some point it drags for a bit. In the end you get the answers to what took place at the party and why all this went down, it may surprise you, it might even disgust you! If you have some free time on your hands you might as well give this film a view.

I’m going to go ahead and give this a 3 out of 5 star rating! If it wasn’t for the one particular scene in the film i might have even gave it an extra half of a star. For the most part the film is good though, it had you wondering who was responsible for the mess and there was a bit of gore to entertain those who like that kind of stuff!

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Movie Review: Snow White and The Huntsmen -2012

Synopsis: In a twist to the fairy tale, the Huntsman ordered to take Snow White into the woods to be killed winds up becoming her protector and mentor in a quest to vanquish the Evil Queen.

Putting all jokes aside of Kristen Stewart blowing the director and try to take this movie seriously!  It was tough but I put it aside LOL.  This movie has Kristen Stewart,  Charlize Theron and Chris Hemsworth who is quickly making quite a name for himself.  Let me make it known this is not your old fashioned Snow White fairytale, this is a very dark film.  Lots of stabbing, action and trippyness.  With that said it was very enjoyable and I am huge fan of the dark fairy tales like Alice in Wonderland that they redid.  The storyline was very well done and the acting was top notch.  Yes even expressionless Kristen Stewart did a fine job and I don’t agree with her getting fired to do the sequel but what do I know.

I rate this movie 3.5 out of 5.  The action, storyline and special effects were really well done.  I enjoyed the movie from start to finish and I am a huge fan of the dark fairy tales.  Like I said this is very dark and violent so please don’t let your 8 year old watch it for heaven’s sake parents! It is rated PG-13 for a reason and you only have yourself to blame when your child keeps rushing into your bed at 12am because he/she is having nightmares 🙂  If you are a big fan of the dark movies then definitely check it out.  This movie may not have made a ton of money in the movie theater but I feel it can definitely make its money back in rental because it is definitely not horrible.

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Movie Review: Starship Troopers:Invasion 2012

Synopsis:  Earth Federation Force troopers led by Lieutenant Tony Daugherty (Sam Roman) are sent to Federation’s outpost Fort Casey that was attacked by bugs. One of the survivors is Carl Jenkins (Justin Doran), ministry of Paranormal Warfare, who takes over the command of the Starship John A. Warden from Carmen Ibanez (Luci Christian), and leaves the bug-infested base without telling what happened. After the mission, Johnny Rico (David Matranga) – he is General Rico now – gives a new assignment to Carmen and the trooper team on the fast attack ship Alesia. John A. Warden is missing, and they have to find the starship and Carl.

I was all excited to watch this movie being a huge fan of the other Starship Trooper movies.  I mean who wouldn’t be a fan of shooting the green goo out  of Alien creatures right??  Well, I first started watching it and didn’t realize it was all CGI animation.  Ok, I took a step back and looked it up online and found that it was Rated R.  It was an interesting animated movie.  It contained nudity, swearing and of course some course language.  I have to admit being a nerd, I got a little excited over the CGI woman naked in the shower!  Kidding aside, the movie wasn’t that bad.  The CGI was very well done and at times it often looked real.  It reminded me of the Final Fantasy movie they made around 10 years ago that was all CGI.

I rate this movie 3 out of 5.  At times it was a little boring but then it picked up and had some good action.  The storyline was decent and the CGI looked very realistic.  If you are a fan of animated movies and Starship Troopers series, I highly recommend it.  If you don’t like animation then steer off, however I do think it is worth a rental.  I have seen much, much worse!

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Movie Review: The Cabin In The Woods 2011

Synopsis: Five friends go for a break at a remote cabin in the woods, where they get more than they bargained for. Together, they must discover the truth behind the cabin in the woods.

This was not your average teens head off into the woods to smoke, drink, party, and score type of slasher flick. There was more to the movie than some hockey mask wearing, machete wielding, psychopath, don’t get me wrong, I’m not knocking such films being that I own the collection on DVDs, but there was just more to it! The acting was well done, I found myself pulling for the pot head from the time he arrived on the scene to be the hero, whether or not that’s how it played out you’ll have to find out for yourself! I will tell you though, if there is a basement in a cabin out in the wood you should probably steer clear of it and if you run across a book written in another language you should probably not read it out loud, if you don’t know what it says! For some reason I thought a bit of the element of Midnight Meat Train was present in this film, not going to go into detail but its what popped into my mind. Maybe I’m just shedding a little light on other films I’ve found to be entertaining, who knows, but I did find this to be quite entertaining!
There was actually a scene in this movie that may have been the bloodiest I’ve ever seen in a film.

I’m giving this film a 4 out of 5! It’s one of those films that pulls you in. It had some interesting and creative ideas. A good story line acted out well, and another reason to keep people out of the woods.

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Movie Review: Apartment 143 -2011

Synopsis: A team of parapsychologists try to figure out a strange phenomenon occurring in an apartment building.

This movie is mostly a documentary type filmed through the eyes of the cameras set up in the apartment.  They use some pretty cool equipment to try to capture the ghost footage.  There are no big actors/actresses in this movie but it was very enjoyable.  There were many scary elements and it made the movie very intense at times.  They would interview the family living in the apartment and the trouble they had dealing with the teenage daughter who was acting out.  For the most part they stick to the storyline and for me it didn’t get too boring which is a key factor in some of these low budget films.

In the end I rate this movie 3 out of 5.  I am usually not a fan of the Blair Witch/Cloverfield type filming but it wasn’t too shaky so after a few minutes I was just used to it.  It got to be pretty spooky in my living room with all the sound effects.  I don’t believe I jumped at all but I definitely recommend this movie for a rental or Netflix watch.  The acting was done well as well and it wasn’t cheesy at all.

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