Music Review: Alanis Morissette-Havoc And Bright Lights-2012

 This is Alanis’s 7th cd.  I know Right?? It is hard to believe that it is her seventh album but there were a few that didn’t get too popular and her awesome Unplugged album.  She has been busy and got divorced a few years ago and then remarried and now has her first child.  It it possible for her to make a comeback??  Why yes of course it is possible.

1. Guardian
2. Woman Down
3. ‘Til You
4. Celebrity
5. Empathy
6. Lens
7. Spiral
8. Numb
9. Havoc
10. Win and Win
11. Receive
12. Edge of Evolution
As you can see the album has 12 tracks and starts out great with her hit single that came out a few months ago.  I really love the song and she has such a unique folk type voice but unfortunately I don’t think the song is very popular on the radio.  Who listens to radio anyways??  Pretty much from age 39 and younger we all listen to Pandora or IheartRadio but that is another story for another time.  I really enjoyed the first 4-5 songs on the album but then to me it starts to fall flat.  They songs are softer and quieter and to me they don’t stand out.  Are they decent songs, yes but to me they aren’t big hits.  I judge an album by how many hits it could potentially have on it.  With this album, I would say probably 4-5 possible choices, maybe 6 but obviously not many artists have that many hits.  Not everyone can be Black Eyed Peas or Katy Perry.  In fact many artists whom I won’t name come out with 3 big songs and then put garbage on the rest of their album which I like to call fillers.  They sell enough from their big singles and the people buy the album but to be honest not many people will listen to the album all the way through.  Luckily thanks to Itunes and other types of online stores we can just buy the awesome singles and leave the album be so that makes the artists and record companies pay more attention. Sorry I went off on a tandem a little bit.  
I rate this album 3.5 out of 5.  Like I said above it has some great songs and her fans will definitely enjoy it like I did.  It isn’t the worst album of hers or from anybody but to me it isn’t the best either.  If you enjoy the single and Alanis then I recommend buying it because you will enjoy it like I have.  With the right marketing and radio play she could definitely make a comeback to be more mainstream.  Will she?? We will find out.

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Posted on August 29, 2012, in Alanis Morissette, Music Rant, Music Review. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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