Featured Fighter: Mike Flores

Mike Flores
Height: 4’11”
Fight weight: 125 lbs.
Fight record: 4-0-1
Born in Hartford Ct,  (live in Enfield Ct.)

1. When and Why did you get into MMA??
I got in to MMA when I was 19. I started it cuz well I always had a thing for fighting… I guess it started in high school with street fights. Ill be honest I was a little shithead back then, but I figured, ” what the hell I could do that”.. so I joined Lysak’s in Enfield. You learn quickly what the sport is about and I really fell for the sport. I trained literally just about everyday it was like something new everyday. So then at about a year and a half I had my fist fight. I  was training at Dog Pound with Elias Rivera and Frank Latina at that time. I Stayed with them for a year or so then they closed down. I had 2 fights with them and then Frank told me about Silver Dragon. I trained there for 2 yrs and had 3 fights under Master Raven and Keith Gordan. Keith and Raven were nooo joke…. I miss those days,  I wish Silver Dragon was still around. Then I got into a car accident and was out of the game for a few years, then came back training under AMAA/Gladiator BJJ where I had one fight. Doing my own thing now,with reliable friends who are like family, to help train for this fight cuz I’m kinda on a budget with this move.

2. Do you have a background in martial arts, boxing , wrestling etc?
Nothing prior to Lysak’s.

3. What’s you nickname, how did you get it?
The nick name Spidermonkey was given to me by Frank and Elias because a few days after I started training there Frank and I were grappleing and I went from being on bottom to taking his back,  to guillotine,  really fast! He was like “WTF”??,  and cuz I was so quick and stuck to the back, I was like a spider monkey. Personally, I hated it at first, but it is what it is, and dont mind it one bit now.

4. What are your ultimate goals in the sport?
My ultimate goal in this sport is to be the best. I still have alot of mental training to do, but I will make it to the UFC, with the 125lb class. The emotional attachment and drive it gives me is an amazing feeling. Not so much to prove it to others but to prove it to myself…. you are what you make of yourself.

5. What do you think about your next opponent?
 My next opponent is Robbie Leroux. I have tons and tons of respect for him, he fights for our country and is a family man and deserves nothing but credit. But, we both have the same thing on our mind,  do what it takes to win! He’s a wrestler who grinds dudes out, but my mentality is kill mode! I will never be scared, back down, or quit. He’s in my way,  I wanna stay pretty,  and wont take a loss.

6. How do you see the fight going/being finished?
 I won already. Knock out 1st round.

7. What weight do you walk at/how much do you cut to fight?
 I walk around at 130, never weigh more than 135… thats when I’m fat or lifting. Cutting weight is all in my diet.

8. What’s your favorite part about fighting?
 The rush. You ever go really fast in a car and stick your head out the window and try and breathe? It’s like that when I fight,  I love it!

9. What’s the worst part about fighting?
 The worst part for me is waiting in the locker room before a fight. I hate waiting, seeing fighters come and go,  I wish I could be alone. That, and sacrafice… alot of people dont understand that its more than training5-6 days, You give up a lot. The dedicated fighters know what I’m talking about.

10. Anyone locally or in the big’s that you really would love to fight, and why?
 Chris Cole would be next on my list if I was staying.

11. What do you feel is your best weapon in your fights?
 Speed and power.

12. What is your favorite foods that you miss while cutting weight??
 Twix and Kit-Kats…haha, I got a sweet tooth.

13. What is your most memorable moment to date in MMA??
 Having 2- 12sec KO’s is pretty straight, but honestly, what I will never forget is watching my brother Tim fight. I trained him for it, and it being his first fight and all and having alot kinda go out the window right away… (hah). To see him give up 25lbs and take a figth on that short notice, and want that fight, was awsome! He put it on the line, and to keep on fighting like he did, I could not be anymore proud of him. He fought and fought, I know he dug deep, and that feeling win or lose was amazing! Can’t wait to see him fighting at his actual weight, that is my best moment yet.

14. How else do you spend your time when you are not training??
 When I’m not training, I try and be outdoors, hiking in the woods and taking picture. I have an inner hippie, and love being in that enviornment. I used to ride BMX, so I try and do that when I can, but not so much lately. I also love fishing with friends.

15. What do you do for a living besides fighting??
 Flooring… I’ve done it for years, all types. Weird how the short kid does flooring, how ironic.

I would like to thank my brother Tim, Shaun, Daylin, Kieth Gordan, his son Kieth jr., Frank Latina, Mike Cerrone, Master Raven, Brian Jones, my gf Vanessa for putting up with it all, ha, Paul V, Dave, my boys with Livin’ The Life clothing co. and everyone of my friends and family who believes, helps, and supports me through thick and thin… you know who you are. And you westernmassmma for giving me this opportunity Thanks. See you June 2nd. Dont Blink!!!

We would like to thank Mike Spidermonkey Flores for taking the time to do a Featured Fighter!! It’s great to see the 125lb division continueing to grow in New England and beyond, so guys like Mike, (who for years had to fight at higher weights), can finally get good match-ups! We wish you the best in this upcoming fight, and on your upcoming move!! See you at Mohegan Sun Casino, for Reality Fighting, Saturday June 2!!

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Posted on May 31, 2012, in Featured Fighter. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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