Daily Archives: February 28, 2012

Movie Review: Demons Never Die-2011

Synopsis: When a young girl takes her own life, Archie and the other Suicide Kids decide to follow her lead and form a pact. But as the group begin to die one by one, Archie realizes that they have all become the target of a masked killer and that his commitment to death has become a terrifying fight for survival and a battle to protect the girl he loves. But who’s the killer?

This movie was made in England with English actors so as long as you don’t mind the accents and them saying wanker many times, it is very enjoyable.  I had fun trying to guess who the killer was and naturally if the movie is done well you are wrong.  The ending was not predictable at all and it kept my interest the whole way through.  This movie is basically a horror movie but it isn’t overly scary nor wicked bloody.  It has no big actors/actresses in it but don’t let that deter you.

I rate this movie 4 out of 5.  It was highly enjoyable and I like obscure movies that not many people have heard of.  This is why I wanted to review it for you all.  I am sure it will poke up on Netflix sometime and when it does…take the time to watch it, I think you will enjoy it.

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