Daily Archives: February 19, 2012

Movie Review: The Big Year-2011

Synopsis: Two bird enthusiasts try to defeat the cocky, cutthroat world record holder in a year-long bird-spotting competition.

This movie is starring Jack Black, Steve Martin and Owen Wilson.  First off let me start off by saying I love Jack Black and his movies.  I cannot wait for the new Tenacious D album to come out later this year.  This movie is not a non stop hilarious movie that makes you fall off your seat like Modern Family but it has its moments.  The storyline is very well done and it doesn’t get boring at all.  I enjoyed the plethora of birds they showed throughout the entire movie.  If you are a fan of birds then definitely check this movie out.

Overall I enjoyed this movie and it even has a little romance in it.  I give this movie a 3.5 out of 5. It was not non stop funny and just didn’t have enough to give it a higher rating but don’t get me wrong it was definitely enjoyable and a great movie for the family to watch!

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New Skrillex-Bangarang Video

Anyone who knows me, knows that I love Skrillex…almost as much as I am obsessed with Apple.  If you have never heard of him I suggest you check him out.  I am not a huge fan of techno music without any singing or rapping in them but his music just draws me in.  I know this is a very bold statement but I really feel that DubStep genre is the newest generation’s form of classical music.  Enjoy.

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Featured Fighter: Terin Swanson

Name: Terin Swanson
Age: 18
Height: 5’10
Fight Weight: 135lbs
School: Gladiator MMA
Record MMA: 0-1-0
City/State Born: Hamden, CT

2010: XFC Pro MMA Trial finalist at 16 (elimated by default in finals due to age requirements)
NY Open 1st Place

2009 American Top Team Student of the Year
2009 Junior Olympic Boxing Qualifier “Oustanding Fighter”
2009 Junior Olympic Boxing Qualifier “Fight of the Night”
2008 American Top Team Student of the Year
2008 Hamden Boxing Role Model of the Year
2008 PKF -Tri State Kickboxing Champion
2007 Warriors Cup Muay Thai “Fight of the Night”

1. When and Why did you get into MMA??

I actually started MMA, by fighting in every other sport before finally stumbling upon one where that kind of behavior wasn’t frowned upon. After a fight in Lacrosse, my coach pulled me off the field and was yelling “If you want to fight join a boxing gym!”… So we looked up gyms the next day and did just that. And that was 7 years ago now when I was 11.

2. Do you have a background in martial arts, boxing , wrestling etc?

I’m currently a purple belt in BJJ, actually got my belt just before my 16th birthday. I also have amateur fights in both boxing and muy thai and had a couple years of competing as a wrestler as well.

3. What’s your nickname, how did you get it?

Hahaha, I’m going to just say I have no nickname and hope it goes away by saying that.

4. What are your ultimate goals in the sport?

Honestly my only goal has ever been to fight. I constantly carry this rage in me for whatever reason and I always have to bury it down and keep it to myself. When I compete, when I fight, I’m given permission to let out every little bit of it out, and leave the other guy to sort it out. So my ultimate goal would have to be, to make a living while feeling good, and fighting makes me feel more than content.

5. What do you think about your next opponent?

Well I don’t really know him so I can’t be one to judge him necessarily, but I don’t know most of the people I choose to hate so why give him any special privaledges. All I know is I’ve dedicated my whole life-not metaphorically I mean I have modelled my whole life around the dream- and now reality of walking into that cage, and I’ll be damned if I let someone who hasn’t made an eighth of the sacrifices I have, ruin this upcoming fight night for me. My whole life’s been working up to this moment and after this fight I want to walk out with a win and enjoy the down time.

6. How do you see the fight going/being finished?

Last fight I wasn’t able to put on the performance I wanted. I wasn’t able to show people what I’ve trained my whole life to become- a well rounded fighter. Not just a wrestling, not just a grappler, not just a muay thai fighter, but a complete fight with all the tools that make this sport what it is. So this fight I want to dominate in such a way that I show off all I have become and all I have to offer.

7. What weight do you walk at/how much do you cut to fight?

Right now my weight is all over the place since unfortunately that whole “growing up” thing is taking place for me right now, but prior to this fight I was walking around at 153. For this fight I started at 160, so we’re looking at a super fun 25 pound cut.

8. What’s your favorite part about fighting?

My favorite part about fighting is the control I feel when I walk onto the ring, the mat, the cage wherever it may be- everything in that cage is mine to dictate. What happens ultimately depends on me and me alone, its the one aspect of life I feel I have full control over…. And hurting people makes me feel good- that’s a more simple less pycho reason… I think.

9. What’s the worst part about fighting?

The worst part of fighting for me at least is having to mature so fast to make this all come to fruition. I was for so long trapped between not being old enough to fit in with the people I trained with, but at the same time was too mature to go out and make some stupid choices with the kids I grew up with.

10. Anyone locally or in the big’s that you really would love to fight, and why?

There’s really no one around that I really have any strong desire to fight at this time, whomever I get offered is good enough for me.

11. What do you feel is your best weapon in your fights?

I think my best weapon would be that I don’t care where the fight goes, because I know I’ve trained in such a way that I’ve been wherever the fight can possibly take me. To know that my opponent is struggling to figure out what my weakest aspect is and then realizing that there isn’t any fatal flaw, no special hidden weak point to go to is a great feeling.

12. What is your favorite foods that you miss while cutting weight??

I actually make a list as the day gets closer, most people worry about people seeing your recent google searchs, if you go on my laptop now you’d think I was a chef. But Domino’s is usually what it all boil down to.

13. What is your most memorable moment to date in MMA??

My most memorable moment in MMA was just the experience of walking out and hearing my friends, training partners and family cheering for me, even in such a big arena it was all I could hear. Looking forward to making even more memorable moments as I get my career going.

14. How else do you spend your time when you are not training??

Honestly training is apart of my life in the same way that everyone gets up in the morning and showers, so most of my days training is all they consist of. But when I do find moments where I’m away from the mats I’m usually just going out with friends or relaxing at home and enjoying the most amazing activity in the world: doing absolutly nothing and being completely immobile for a moment hahaha.

15. What do you do for a living besides fighting??

Fighting is my career and thus far I’ve been able to create a healthy way of living by doing it. MMA is my top priority and is a living that I can not only live a content life doing, but be happy doing as opposed to making it a hassle to try to get to the gym everyday because I’m stuck at a job a could care less about and feel miserable doing.

Just wanted to give a shout out to Gabriel Gladiator Santos and all my training partners down at Gladiator MMA, my Dad who has been behind me every step of the way and has guided me selflessly through the years, my mom, and my sister Jessi Swanson who’s going to be making a name for herself in the BJJ world. Hitalo Machado one of my best friends, Hype Xtreme-Fighting for sponsoring me for this upcoming fight and finally all my friends in Hamden, CT!

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